Thursday, 8 April 2010

Ignore the Man Behind the Curtain

Because currently he's telling you that you DON'T need to be eating at least 5 fruit and veg a day.
In the news in the past couple of days we've had the shocking story that eating 5 portions of fruit and veg a day won't help against cancer, and any benefits are merely marginal. The way most news sites spun the article is that you just don't need the 5 portions anymore.
Personally, that is very scary, and I wouldn't be surprised if the study was sponsored by Big Pharma and Mc PizzaKing. People who have a stake in you being ill so they can earn, and not eating healthily so you may eat from their outlets, respectively.
The "5 a day" prompted the idea of living slightly healthier for those who do need to live better, even if it was through a subtle method of guilt.
For those who don't listen to the "5 a day" because fruit and veg are just lifestyle, I'm sure this won't effect them, because the benefits are easily verified.
You have the high fibre content, which aids in digestive transit and health. Various antioxidants that protect against free radicals. High vitamin and mineral contents. Unrefined sugars and slow release carbs. Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Beta Glucan from oats, which is a competitor for statins. Etc etc.
Even if it doesn't completely protect against cancer, it does protect against pretty much everything else.
I used to live off, well, crap for want of a better word, and I always felt horrible. I didn't know how badly at the time, but when I embraced this new lifestyle, I could feel such a difference. More energy, more awake, more life. These days I am very rarely ill, compared to other people I know. I would suggest it to everyone and anyone how good the difference is.
So for those who read any of the news about this no longer needing the "5 a day", ignore, please, it WILL be detrimental to your health.

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