Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Election Fever!

Has hit us here in the UK. From initial gatherings, tax and public spending is one of the key issues. Obviously with the recession, the economy is the big thing.
SO, let's look at how we could fix it, in a non-corrupt and perfect world.
We currently spend a ridiculous amount on defence. Even that is a misnomer, since it's not defence when you invade a foreign country and commit genocide, anyway, I digress.
Let's say we pulled out of the middle east, altogether. All the money we could save on bullets, bombs, and other things to kill people in foreign lands. Now take that money and channel it into the rest of the public sector, saving an awful lot and perfecting every other part of the public sector. Better health care, better education, better policing.
Ah, but now we have thousands of bored troops. Thousands of skilled, bored troops. We'd still be paying them obviously, but what if they could channel their efforts during peace time into helping the country. Manufacturing, building, creating opportunites so others may find work. Inventing whole new industries.
So that's ended an unpopular war, limited raises in tax, improved public services, boosted the economy, and saved the potential lives of thousands of people.
Damn election fever, even I want to run.

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