Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Training Update

Since I left firefighter school I've been working and sweating and aching my way through gym training again. Long bike rides, exhausting runs, and hours on the benches. I feel better than I ever have. For example, I'm benching 105kg, which to me is insane.
Along with that I'm living off high fibre foods, fruit, chicken and raw fish.
It is pretty amazing how food and exercise can affect your mood so much XD

Saturday. Saturday. Ohhhhh Saturday.

Is the UMA No Gi Groundfighting 2010 event. Its been one year since I last entered. 1 year since I was beaten down. 1 year of waiting, and training. This time, I WILL be standing on that podium, no matter what. (Be positive, be positive, be positive).

Friday, 16 April 2010

Enjoying a bit of Muse - Uprising

I've been addicted to this song since I first heard it.

I Can See Why...

Neck cranks are banned in some competitions. On Wednesday I was on the receiving end of a can-opener from Guard, and within an hour my Trapezius had started to swell horribly.
Since then I have been living off painkillers and cold patches. The night of said injury I was apparently screaming in my sleep, although I can't remember it, obviously.
But yeah, wow, won't be doing THAT to people in the future. It's like taking a blow to the plums. Once you've felt it, you don't want to do it to anyone else ever again.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Pain Rating

Consider this my suggestion for any UK fighter unfortunate to find this blog, who is on an online hunt for pain remedies.
Solpadeine MAX, Solpadeine Migraine, and some DEEP FREEZE gel/pads/spray. Every time I grapple I manage to injure something, last night it was my upper back. Specifically what gives my neck/right shoulder movement. So I took the 4 tablets, put the pad on the affected area, and voila, no pain for the rest of the night, and a slight ache today.
If that doesn't help, try taking another dose of Solpadeine Migraine before bed (as long as it's 4 hours after the last, and you've eaten something), as well as a couple of Syndol tablets. Maybe a Sominex as well. Everytime I'm injured to high heaven, this ensures I get a good nights sleep.

DISCLAIMER: I'm not a doctor, pharmacist, medicine man, faith healer, or voodoo practioner. I do not have any background in medicine and cannot be held responsible for you reading my review. Any effect you may suffer is your own and nothing to do with me. Regular use of painkillers can cause adverse side effects.

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Weekends, my chocolatey mistress =[

It's becoming a routine now. Monday to Friday are torture and pain, whilst Weekends are laze and guilt. I eat what I shouldn't and try for 5 days to work it back off. Why do I feel so bad when it wasn't that long ago when it was all I ate? Ugh.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Ignore the Man Behind the Curtain

Because currently he's telling you that you DON'T need to be eating at least 5 fruit and veg a day.
In the news in the past couple of days we've had the shocking story that eating 5 portions of fruit and veg a day won't help against cancer, and any benefits are merely marginal. The way most news sites spun the article is that you just don't need the 5 portions anymore.
Personally, that is very scary, and I wouldn't be surprised if the study was sponsored by Big Pharma and Mc PizzaKing. People who have a stake in you being ill so they can earn, and not eating healthily so you may eat from their outlets, respectively.
The "5 a day" prompted the idea of living slightly healthier for those who do need to live better, even if it was through a subtle method of guilt.
For those who don't listen to the "5 a day" because fruit and veg are just lifestyle, I'm sure this won't effect them, because the benefits are easily verified.
You have the high fibre content, which aids in digestive transit and health. Various antioxidants that protect against free radicals. High vitamin and mineral contents. Unrefined sugars and slow release carbs. Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Beta Glucan from oats, which is a competitor for statins. Etc etc.
Even if it doesn't completely protect against cancer, it does protect against pretty much everything else.
I used to live off, well, crap for want of a better word, and I always felt horrible. I didn't know how badly at the time, but when I embraced this new lifestyle, I could feel such a difference. More energy, more awake, more life. These days I am very rarely ill, compared to other people I know. I would suggest it to everyone and anyone how good the difference is.
So for those who read any of the news about this no longer needing the "5 a day", ignore, please, it WILL be detrimental to your health.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Election Fever!

Has hit us here in the UK. From initial gatherings, tax and public spending is one of the key issues. Obviously with the recession, the economy is the big thing.
SO, let's look at how we could fix it, in a non-corrupt and perfect world.
We currently spend a ridiculous amount on defence. Even that is a misnomer, since it's not defence when you invade a foreign country and commit genocide, anyway, I digress.
Let's say we pulled out of the middle east, altogether. All the money we could save on bullets, bombs, and other things to kill people in foreign lands. Now take that money and channel it into the rest of the public sector, saving an awful lot and perfecting every other part of the public sector. Better health care, better education, better policing.
Ah, but now we have thousands of bored troops. Thousands of skilled, bored troops. We'd still be paying them obviously, but what if they could channel their efforts during peace time into helping the country. Manufacturing, building, creating opportunites so others may find work. Inventing whole new industries.
So that's ended an unpopular war, limited raises in tax, improved public services, boosted the economy, and saved the potential lives of thousands of people.
Damn election fever, even I want to run.


My worst nightmare.


OK, maybe not myspace. But the other 3 social communicators, yup I'm geek enough to try and merge them all in to one.

Knees knees the musical...

It's been over 2 weeks since the Half Marathon, and I haven't TOUCHED the road... till now.
To put it simply, I took painkillers before I ran to get over my Runners Knee, which meant all the damage I was doing, I couldn't feel XD
Till I got to about the 10th mile, where it was agonising, and for about a week following, stairs and slight hills were my greatest nemesis.
But, after careful rehabilitation on the cross trainer, I decided to take my chances and low and behold, 2 miles and I survived!
2 miles, compared to the 13 I did, I know is small, but I am going to work back up to 13 and over..... I hope

Daddy, Daddy Cool

I'm gonna be a DAD!!!
We, as in my lovely Helen and I are going to be parents.

This is Baby Paines on the first 12 week scan. I can't believe how happy she/he has made me. Personally, I think it's a she. Although Helen thinks it's a he, but we'll see. But yeah, BIG NEWSSSSSSSSS.