Tuesday, 2 September 2014

3 Weeks Till Copenhagen

Week 4 - 83.25kg
Should have been - 84.15kg
Total lost - 4.1kg (9 lbs)

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Week 3

Week 3 - 83.85kg
Should have been - 84.95kg
Total lost - 3.5kg (7.7 pounds)
Still ahead of schedule. And I actually lost slightly more than I had scheduled. Now, it's going to get tough though.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Week 2

Week 2 - 84.75kg
Should have been - 85.75kg
Total lost - 2.6kg (5.7 pounds)
Even though I am way ahead of schedule, I have actually fallen short of my week-to-week goal. So, better had work harder for next week.

Monday, 18 August 2014

My Gym

Check out my gyms web site at Stafford and Stone MMA :)

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Overshot my Landing

Week 1 - 85.45kg
I wasn't supposed to be here till half way into week 3, so hopefully I can keep up this momentum and land at my goal early. Although, as I am aware from last time, the first week is always the best.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Copenhagen Part 3

This coming September I shall be heading back to the lovely Copenhagen for the fall camp, and I intend to return with a bit less timber on my frame. I know I aimed to be lean by summer, which almost happened, apart from I got extended at Stafford station, which meant a lot more eating and lifting. But, here we are, and I will be recording my steps, since it worked brilliantly last year.
Currently - 87.35kg
Goal - 81.75kg
Week 1 - 7. 86.55, 85.75, 84.95, 84.15, 83.35, 82.55, 81.75
And of course, the obligatory start photo.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Lean for Summer

It's been a good Christmas. Lots of lifts. Lots of food. But, now it's time to cut that all down again. My weight has been drifting between 84-87kg. My goal is to tuck back under 80kg again and feel comfortable there. Current stats (and obligatory start pic).
Weight: 87.3kg
Body Fat: 16%
Gain Since Last Cut Approx: 5kg Fat. 1.5kg Lean Mass. 

Thursday, 7 November 2013

BJJ Backpacking - Copenhagen

What a trip! An absolutely incredible camp in one of the most beautiful cities on Earth. The pictures do not do it justice. The difference in atmosphere is almost tangible. From the very second I walked out of the Metro station in Christianshavn I knew that this place was very different.
Firstly, some stuff I learned about Copenhagen, Denmark, Hostel living, and drinking.
1. Damn do they love their coffee over there. Paris was good! But this place was better.
2. The Danish are a beautiful people. Literally, stunning to behold. I try and adhere to the idea of not sticking out when out and about. Blending in and not becoming a target. I became very aware that this may be impossible, due to my unfortunate affliction of a semi northern English face. 
3. England feels lazy now I've seen that the TOP method of transport out there is the humble push bike. I stepped onto Stafford Train Station and practically laughed at the quiet cycle racks.
4. Our attempts at Danish pastry is futile. End of discussion.
5. Marzipan. It is everywhere!
6. Staying in a Danish hostel is a treat. Just remember to squigee the shower when done. And pick a bed next to a charging port.
7. Europeans can easily shame me when it comes to alcohol. Especially on J-Day.
I'm sure there is more to this list, and I will add to it when I remember.

Finally, the camp itself. I will try and not get too technical, but the information was first class. The instruction was clear and concise. And the other attendees were polite to a fault. I met some utterly fantastic individuals whilst there. People who I am sure I will not be losing contact with any time soon. Jujitsu has opened some doors to me which I am forever greatful for, and I look forward to the next chapter on where it takes me.
One final thing. Street fight. Epic!

The Last Weigh In

Weight: 80.8kg (8.8% loss)
Loss: 17.2lbs
Body Fat: 11.5%
Bench Press: 122.5kg (1.52bw)
Chin up: 45kg (55.7%)
Obviously not my end goal. But I'm happy with the results. I just need to recover from my injuries and keep going in the same direction. There's a competition in a couple of weeks and I will be entering in the Under 80kg category :-)

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Copenhagen: Day 1

Over the last 64 hours, 6 of them have involved sleep. Just 6! So how in the name of all that is right I managed to do a straight 4 hours on the mats I'll never know.
Anyway. If it is possible to fall in love with a city at first sight, I'm pretty sure I have with this place. The second I walked out of the metro into the light, I couldn't help be overwhelmed by the fantastic surroundings. Anyway, a few pics from the first day. This Gi will never dry otherwise.

Week 10 of 10.

81.75kg. Will do full stats when I get back home.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Counting Down

Gi folded. Bag packed. Passport and boarding passes at the ready :)

Sunday, 27 October 2013


As I was walking towards the gym yesterday from my park bench, I came across something that made me ponder.
It was just a road sign, nothing spectactular. The reason I thought it appropriate, was the last time I made a trip for training reasons was to learn some BJJ in Bolton, and now here I am learning Wrestling in Wigan. A visual representation of which direction I should take my personal style.